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Library Preliminary Minutes 08/13/2014
PRESENT: Bob Marshall, Kristin Readel, Jami Bascom, Neal Brown, Mary Ann Grant, Gail Smith, Bruce Dodge.
Absent: Scott Jones.

7:15 pm – The meeting was called to order by Chairman Brown.

The sole agenda item for the meeting is for the Trustees to discuss how to proceed in the replacement of Library Director.

Gail Smith is retiring as the Library Director. Her last day will be October 4, 2014.

Neal began the discussion with stating that he feels that the job should be publicly posted. He also stated that it would make sense for the trustees to follow the general outline of procedures for hiring used by the Town even though the Trustees make the final decision on who to hire.
The discussion continued about how Gail was hired to be the director. She reported that she was the assistant at the time when the previous Head Librarian was going to leave the position,  the Trustees asked her to take the position and she accepted. Kristin noted that the according to the New Hampshire Library Association , library employees are only considered town employees if the library trustees give that authority to the select board of the town, and that NHRSA:202 states that the Library Trustees have the right to appoint a library director. More discussion followed about the pros and cons of appointment versus advertising. Jami presented that the Library policy manual outlines how to advertise for the position. The decision to advertise the position publically was agreed upon by the trustees.
The Trustees have adopted a job description for the Library Director. The discussion followed about how much of that description should be used in a line ad in the newspaper. Bruce stated that he felt that the ad should refer interested candidates to the Town website for a complete job description. Bob emphasized that the hiring of the next Library Director is probably the most important decision that the Trustees will make, so it should be done in the most complete manner to maximize the choices for the Trustees. Mary Ann suggested that candidates be asked to write a short (500 words) essay on their vision for the library. Bruce suggested that in the interview the candidates should be asked to present a sample librarian’s report to the Trustees. Other items that were discussed consisted of the structure of the first and second interviews, how the job hours may be changed for the good of the Library, and how best to answer candidate’s questions about the Town and the Library. ACTION: Bob will draft an advertisement suitable for the newspaper and the NHLA job listings. He will email it to the other trustees for their feedback. The ad will be posted as soon as possible and will be paid for from the Library checking account. The resumes will be sent to Neal’s attention at the Library.
ACTION: Kristin will put the library brochure and the job description on the Town website in order to provide interested candidates with general information about the library and the job requirements.

8:15 PM – Other/new business:
There was a brief discussion about what will need to be addressed in the September Trustees meeting: budget outline for 2015, Treasurer’s report, review of minutes for July and August meetings and any other new business.
Bruce reported that Project Shakespeare, located in Jaffrey, may be interested in doing a production of “A Christmas Carol” at the Greenfield Meeting House during the holiday season. The group has recently returned from a tour in England, and Bruce will talk with them and report back at the September meeting.  
Bob reported that the Charrette team will be utilizing the Library and that will be a good opportunity for them to see a vital part of the Town.

8:35 PM: Bruce made the motion to adjourn the meeting at this time. The motion was seconded by Jami. The vote was unanimous to adjourn the meeting.
The next meeting of the Trustees will be on Wednesday, September 3, 2014 at 7:00 PM at the Library.

Respectfully submitted,

Patricia LaPree